25 Apr 2019
The most often asked question from a vehicle owner is "How long does an Alternator last?". Well, the total life span for an Alternator is approximately 07 years, that is an ideal life span. Or if we say it in terms of miles, then after running 150,000 miles, your alternator can say “That’s it”. There are several other factors which can hamper longevity or can give the elixir to your alternator to last quite long. Some factors can bring down the lifespan of alternators to only 80,000 miles or less, such as harsh driving, no maintenance on time. First, you must know the work of an alternator so that you can avoid giving burden to it and can prevent it from early wear out.
The primary function of the alternator is to charge the battery and to power the electrical system when the engine is running. Hence the number of electrical systems also matters in the long-lasting performance of the Alternators. Other parts of the vehicle which are running by alternators and the condition of your vehicle also play a great role here.
As the primary function of the Alternator is clear now, what measures you should take to run your Alternators for long.
1. Do not use too many electrical devices at a time, in your vehicle, that will save the battery from early drain out.
2. Save it from the water, and dirt. While washing your car keep it in mind that water shouldn’t reach to the alternator.
3. Properly install a splash shield if your engine allows it, that will protect the alternators from the sand, dirt, contaminated air, that can jam the alternator, and stop it from running well.
Every electrical device has a certain life when it is about to complete it gives the sing about their death. You should not ignore the below signs if you are facing any of them or all of them.
1. The biggest sign is the battery drains quickly. This is the sign that your alternators might have some issue. Being electric energy, when it happens the Car consumes power from the battery, and it drains fast. So before replacing the battery do check the alternator first.
2. Unusual noises coming from the vehicle may be another signal for a bad alternator. But ensure that other symptoms of the page match with your problems. When an alternator goes bad, the bearing has driven off, or the belt has loosened up to spin the pulley and fails to charge the engine. All this leads to the screeching sound.
3. Working of other electrical systems which run through the alternators also changes their behavior. Keep your eye on their functions.
4. Dim Headlights, as we said earlier, Alternator provides the power to all Electrical components in your vehicle while the car is up, the direct effect of bad alternators can be seen in the dim headlights.
5. The warning lights on alternators light up whenever there is an issue with the device.
6. Again and again, you have to give the jump start to the engine.
If you are facing all of these problems together its time to replace the Alternator.
Well, this question arises in every vehicle owners mind whether they own a J.C. Bamford Loader, or Massey Ferguson Farm Tractor/ Lister Petter Tractor / Case David Brown Farm Tractor or any vehicle. A replacement would be better or remanufacturing? Here we have provided some comparisons which will clear out the picture.
In terms of Cost
See the cost of repairing depends upon the damage of Alternator, or depreciation. However, if you have to change multiple major parts of the alternator, then you should go for a replacement, instead of remanufacturing/installing other major parts. Remanufacturing of the alternator, costs upwards of $200, while for a new alternator for the below vehicle will cost up to $67 to $75. So here you have saved a lot of bucks.
Replacement Time
If you have planned about purchasing the new alternator, all you need to do is go to partsworldusa.com and purchase it from there.
The shipping time is 3 to 5 business days. Whereas if you go for remanufacturing then it may vary from 1 to 7 days based on the capabilities and manpower of the remanufacturer.
If you purchase from PartsworldUSA then, you will get a warranty for an year. The warranty from the local manufacturer or repairing shop may vary from shop to shop.
Shipping Charges
If you go for the repair, you may have to drive your car for the pick up of finished product. But if you order from the Parts World USA, then we provide you free shipping in the USA and Canada. Now the choice is yours, visiting again and again to the local shop and bearing the tantrums of the manufacturer, or watching TV on your couch and getting a brand new alternator shipped to your door.
After purchasing the Alternator the biggest challenge is to install it at home, however not a big deal for a veteran, but the novice will hesitate enough. Keep your fear aside, here we are with cool and easy steps to change your Alternator at home. The process of changing the Alternators is almost the same in most of the vehicle.
1. Start by parking your vehicle on a flat level surface. Garb the jack you might need in the process.
2. Disconnect the battery, otherwise, the vehicles electrical system may get damaged.
3. Remove the main power cable from the old alternator. Remember the thickest wire which is connected to the battery, is the main cable.
4. Remove the safety clip and serpentine belt using the pry bar/ any screwdriver. You might need to relieve the tension on the belt while removing it. Check for any damage or wear, if there is any damage change it along with the alternator.
5. Now its time to loosen up the bolts and remove it from the engines bay. Compare the old and new immediately, all the bolts and mounting holes must be at the same place. The new one should be a replica of the old one.
6. Now place the new alternator into the vehicle, be careful about the loose wires, they should not hide behind the alternator.
7. Insert the mounting bolt into the mounting hole and run the belt over the pulley, by applying tension.
8. Connect the power cables and safety clip. Now reconnect the battery.