17 Feb 2018
Searching a starter generator for your Yamaha Golf Cart, here at parts world USA, offer replacement starter generators and parts for Yamaha G16, G17, G18, G19, G20, G21 and G22.
They have created an all-inclusive and user friendly website where you can find the top quality products at very reasonable cost.
They also provide installation manuals in each and every sale. Installation manual helps to replace your parts easily in your vehicles.
The example wiring diagram has given to making connection easily :
Connect Green Wire to Voltage Regulator
Connect Red Wire to Earth Terminal
Connect to A1 Terminal(Relay Controller)
Connect to Terminal A2 & F1
Connect F2 Terminal (Earth)
Precautions taken while connect starter generator to Yamaha Thru Golf Cart :
Inspect the Starter Generator for any external damage.
Starter Generator mounting should not be loose after nut is tightened
Make connections as per the diagram shown and tighten properly.